Saturday, August 16, 2008
Yay again
Okay. I have nothing much to tell.. It's just that I'm happy. Because exams are over. Wheeee~!!!
Iyah... itu foto gw :D Tapi gw jelek banget sekarang, jadi malu klo ketemu nanti. Gimana keadaan lo? Baik- baik aja? Ato masih patah hati? Meski mungkin gw ga ngerti gimana perasaan lo, lo masih bisa cerita ke gw. Gw bakal dengerin mau berapa lamapun juga. Klo sudah takdir pasti nanti jadian, deh, sekarang lo tinggal percaya ama gw dan kasih tahu gw semuanya, tentang perasaan lo, pikiran lo, keadaan lo, dan gw bakal doain dari sini. Semoga lo kuat selalu!!!!!
Gw kangen nih. Kangen. Kangen. Kangen. Kangen. Gw di sini juga baik- baik aja, meskipun awalnya banyak rintangan. Waktu baru mulai sekolah, gw sering ditindas temen sekelas, mungkin karena faktor bahasa, rasanya stres dan sedih banget. Gw pikir gw tuh bego, jelek, gendut, dan ga punya satu pun sisi yang bagus dalam diri gw. Waktu itu, gw pengen banget balik lagi ke masa SD, di mana kita masih bisa iseng- isengan berdua, belajar berdua, menghajar temen- temen cowok berdua, ngegosip tentang komik berdua, telepon- teleponan berdua. Berat banget beban gw, tapi sekarang semuanya udah oke. Kelas 3, ganti kelas, dan untungnya gw berhasil masuk ke kelas yg lebih bagus. Sekarang gw jadi wakil ketua kelas. Dan temen- temenku juga nambah. Walaupun hidupku jadi sedikit ringan sekarang, beban di hati gw masih belum terangkat.
Beban apakah itu? Beban berpisah ama lo. Gw takut klo nanti kita ga bisa ketemu lagi. Gw takut lo bakal lupa ama gw. Gw takut klo hidup lo sekarang tuh lagi susah. Gw takut lo tuh sengsara, mon... Gw takut lo ga punya siapa- siapa untuk ngedukung moral lo.. Gw takut suatu saat nanti persahabatan kita tuh cuman kenangan doang... Soalnya gw sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget sama lo. Walaupun sekarang lo ga ada di deket gw, gw tetep nganggep lo sebagai sahabat gw yang terbaik. Termanis, tersayang, terlucu, terhebat, pokoknya segala- galanya deh!!
Jujur, gw nangis pas gw nulis ini. Dan mungkin nanti klo kita ketemu gw bakal nangis juga. Sori klo gw jadi cengeng!!! >.<
Gw juga pengen denger suara lo. Mon, klo ada apa- apa, segera hubungin gw melalui hp, blog ini atau apapun juga deh. Gw akan selalu ada deket kamu. Mungkin di dimensi yang ngga terlihat, kita lagi jalan berdua, saling berbagi rasa senang dan duka sambil menangis dan tersenyum. Cieehhh... Tapi gw seriuss!!!
Okeh, sampe di sini dulu deh :') Besok- besok gw bakal ceritain lebiiiiiih banyak hal lagi!! Peluk buat lo, sahabat lo yang jadi cengeng-- Jane.
(> ゚ ヮ゚)>
Iyah... itu foto gw :D Tapi gw jelek banget sekarang, jadi malu klo ketemu nanti. Gimana keadaan lo? Baik- baik aja? Ato masih patah hati? Meski mungkin gw ga ngerti gimana perasaan lo, lo masih bisa cerita ke gw. Gw bakal dengerin mau berapa lamapun juga. Klo sudah takdir pasti nanti jadian, deh, sekarang lo tinggal percaya ama gw dan kasih tahu gw semuanya, tentang perasaan lo, pikiran lo, keadaan lo, dan gw bakal doain dari sini. Semoga lo kuat selalu!!!!!
Gw kangen nih. Kangen. Kangen. Kangen. Kangen. Gw di sini juga baik- baik aja, meskipun awalnya banyak rintangan. Waktu baru mulai sekolah, gw sering ditindas temen sekelas, mungkin karena faktor bahasa, rasanya stres dan sedih banget. Gw pikir gw tuh bego, jelek, gendut, dan ga punya satu pun sisi yang bagus dalam diri gw. Waktu itu, gw pengen banget balik lagi ke masa SD, di mana kita masih bisa iseng- isengan berdua, belajar berdua, menghajar temen- temen cowok berdua, ngegosip tentang komik berdua, telepon- teleponan berdua. Berat banget beban gw, tapi sekarang semuanya udah oke. Kelas 3, ganti kelas, dan untungnya gw berhasil masuk ke kelas yg lebih bagus. Sekarang gw jadi wakil ketua kelas. Dan temen- temenku juga nambah. Walaupun hidupku jadi sedikit ringan sekarang, beban di hati gw masih belum terangkat.
Beban apakah itu? Beban berpisah ama lo. Gw takut klo nanti kita ga bisa ketemu lagi. Gw takut lo bakal lupa ama gw. Gw takut klo hidup lo sekarang tuh lagi susah. Gw takut lo tuh sengsara, mon... Gw takut lo ga punya siapa- siapa untuk ngedukung moral lo.. Gw takut suatu saat nanti persahabatan kita tuh cuman kenangan doang... Soalnya gw sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget sama lo. Walaupun sekarang lo ga ada di deket gw, gw tetep nganggep lo sebagai sahabat gw yang terbaik. Termanis, tersayang, terlucu, terhebat, pokoknya segala- galanya deh!!
Jujur, gw nangis pas gw nulis ini. Dan mungkin nanti klo kita ketemu gw bakal nangis juga. Sori klo gw jadi cengeng!!! >.<
Gw juga pengen denger suara lo. Mon, klo ada apa- apa, segera hubungin gw melalui hp, blog ini atau apapun juga deh. Gw akan selalu ada deket kamu. Mungkin di dimensi yang ngga terlihat, kita lagi jalan berdua, saling berbagi rasa senang dan duka sambil menangis dan tersenyum. Cieehhh... Tapi gw seriuss!!!
Okeh, sampe di sini dulu deh :') Besok- besok gw bakal ceritain lebiiiiiih banyak hal lagi!! Peluk buat lo, sahabat lo yang jadi cengeng-- Jane.
(> ゚ ヮ゚)>
left at 11:02 PM
Friday, August 15, 2008
Check this out
Ways to kill yourselves. Simple, clean, for all attention whores like me. Easy ways to make people know that you kill yourselves. Quite unique and creative, I must say.
left at 8:12 PM
I is bored
Helloz. Heehee. I want to try doing this. WARNING: Seen in Sun's blog.
1.The way to win your heart?
I don't know.
2.What did you do last night?
Sleep, Bio, SS, but it all came to nothing. I felt sleepy at school, I couldn't do my Bio paper and SS was plain failure for me.
3.Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
Nope. Aliens have different names, even if it's just by a letter. Example: Princess Alien Havocry Norstein and Princess Alien Havocryy Norstein. See that?
4.Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No... I'm leaving that matter into my parents' hand D: No one is up to my standard, and anyway, I won't get any. I'm just... me.
5.One song that's meaningful to you ?
Solveig's song - Eternal love... I know this can be weird, but I do believe in everlasting lovey dovey thingy.
6.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
I use my hands. Where's the option for that, huh?
7.Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
No. Glasses are made for a purpose, aren't they?
8.How long is your hair?
Approximately 35 centimetres.
9.Do you like Batman?
No. Not really. But I do like Achmed.
10.Who was the last person who told you they loved you?
My parents.
11.Addicted to anything?
13.Do you like anyone now?
Yes!! I like a lot of people... Hmm let's see... I like Rachel, Claire, Amanda, Min Yee, Wan Yi, Sunthari, Preeya, Alice, Felicia, Cindy, Mom, Dad, Michelle, Auntie Ratna, Auntie Jan, Aunt Eva, Mrs Gan, Mrs Soh... and not forgetting Monica.
14.When was the last time you sang out loud?
This afternoon - around the locker area, confessing my love for Claire, Felicia and Cindy.
15.What did you have for breakfast?
Curry buns.
16.Is your birthday on a holiday?
Yes, a school holiday.
17.What instant messaging service do you use?
Windows Live messenger, because I'm too lazy to download anything else.
18.Can you cook?
I'm a FAILURE in cooking, I can't even cook water or instant food.
19.Did you have a nap today?
No. I. Did. Not.
20.What was the reason you got in trouble last?
I don't think I have gotten into any trouble these past few weeks... Except for studying.. That counts?
21.What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
22.When is your birthday?
I forgot.
23.Do you swear a lot ?
F*ck. Bastard. Shit. Holy cow. Rascal. Jerk.
24.Where did you get the shirt(s)you're wearing?
My father's flying wardrobe.
25.Do you have any regrets?
Now I don't. I used to.
26.What was your first alcoholic drink?
................ Coca Cola?
28.What color are your favorite shoes?
Transparent. They are a pair of invisible shoes.
29.Who would you like to see right now?
My prince charming.
30.Are you a social or antisocial person?
What do you think?
31.Have the cops ever come by your house?
Have not. I will make them come soon, though.
32.Ever been in love?
33.Ever had braces?
No, but I'm currently forced to have one.
34.Who was the first person to really break your heart?
No one. Everyone is so nice.
35.What do you wear to bed?
Nothing. Now, guess whether I'm joking or being serious.
36.Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
First best is Monica, over in Indonesia, for a straight 9 years. She's one marvelous fellow :D And yes, I'm still friends with her. Plus, she's still my best friend. We're planning to hold a reunion when I go home on End of Year holidays. She has purposely planned the time and everything for me... *is touched*
37.Who was the last person to disappoint you?
No one. I'm always satisfied with everything.
38.Do you trust people?
I do, but I will still be aware of them.
39.Who was the first person you talked to today?
My guardian.
40.Who was the first person to text you today?
No one... SO sad right. My phone is hibernating, anyway.
41.What was the first thing you did this morning?
Woke up from my slumber. Shit.
1.The way to win your heart?
I don't know.
2.What did you do last night?
Sleep, Bio, SS, but it all came to nothing. I felt sleepy at school, I couldn't do my Bio paper and SS was plain failure for me.
3.Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
Nope. Aliens have different names, even if it's just by a letter. Example: Princess Alien Havocry Norstein and Princess Alien Havocryy Norstein. See that?
4.Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No... I'm leaving that matter into my parents' hand D: No one is up to my standard, and anyway, I won't get any. I'm just... me.
5.One song that's meaningful to you ?
Solveig's song - Eternal love... I know this can be weird, but I do believe in everlasting lovey dovey thingy.
6.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
I use my hands. Where's the option for that, huh?
7.Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
No. Glasses are made for a purpose, aren't they?
8.How long is your hair?
Approximately 35 centimetres.
9.Do you like Batman?
No. Not really. But I do like Achmed.
10.Who was the last person who told you they loved you?
My parents.
11.Addicted to anything?
13.Do you like anyone now?
Yes!! I like a lot of people... Hmm let's see... I like Rachel, Claire, Amanda, Min Yee, Wan Yi, Sunthari, Preeya, Alice, Felicia, Cindy, Mom, Dad, Michelle, Auntie Ratna, Auntie Jan, Aunt Eva, Mrs Gan, Mrs Soh... and not forgetting Monica.
14.When was the last time you sang out loud?
This afternoon - around the locker area, confessing my love for Claire, Felicia and Cindy.
15.What did you have for breakfast?
Curry buns.
16.Is your birthday on a holiday?
Yes, a school holiday.
17.What instant messaging service do you use?
Windows Live messenger, because I'm too lazy to download anything else.
18.Can you cook?
I'm a FAILURE in cooking, I can't even cook water or instant food.
19.Did you have a nap today?
No. I. Did. Not.
20.What was the reason you got in trouble last?
I don't think I have gotten into any trouble these past few weeks... Except for studying.. That counts?
21.What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
22.When is your birthday?
I forgot.
23.Do you swear a lot ?
F*ck. Bastard. Shit. Holy cow. Rascal. Jerk.
24.Where did you get the shirt(s)you're wearing?
My father's flying wardrobe.
25.Do you have any regrets?
Now I don't. I used to.
26.What was your first alcoholic drink?
................ Coca Cola?
28.What color are your favorite shoes?
Transparent. They are a pair of invisible shoes.
29.Who would you like to see right now?
My prince charming.
30.Are you a social or antisocial person?
What do you think?
31.Have the cops ever come by your house?
Have not. I will make them come soon, though.
32.Ever been in love?
33.Ever had braces?
No, but I'm currently forced to have one.
34.Who was the first person to really break your heart?
No one. Everyone is so nice.
35.What do you wear to bed?
Nothing. Now, guess whether I'm joking or being serious.
36.Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
First best is Monica, over in Indonesia, for a straight 9 years. She's one marvelous fellow :D And yes, I'm still friends with her. Plus, she's still my best friend. We're planning to hold a reunion when I go home on End of Year holidays. She has purposely planned the time and everything for me... *is touched*
37.Who was the last person to disappoint you?
No one. I'm always satisfied with everything.
38.Do you trust people?
I do, but I will still be aware of them.
39.Who was the first person you talked to today?
My guardian.
40.Who was the first person to text you today?
No one... SO sad right. My phone is hibernating, anyway.
41.What was the first thing you did this morning?
Woke up from my slumber. Shit.
left at 8:51 AM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Hello, all. Below is the source of my happiness today.

It's strange, but this picture comforts me today. It makes me so happy just by looking at it. Feels like something is just right... I'm so happy.. Oh dear, I am so happy.. This picture makes me happy today. Really. I am very happy. Actually, not exactly happy, but... This strange feeling of bliss... I don't know how to express it in words, but this picture is just amazing for me.
left at 8:17 AM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Songs added!!!
1) Oceano- Josh Groban
2) How Far We've Come- Matchbox 20
3) Umiyuki- Jero
4)Bendera- Cokelat (Indonesian Band)
5) The Time of Our Lives- Il Divo (Fifa World Cup Germany 2006)
6) Cinema Paradiso- Josh Groban
2) How Far We've Come- Matchbox 20
3) Umiyuki- Jero
4)Bendera- Cokelat (Indonesian Band)
5) The Time of Our Lives- Il Divo (Fifa World Cup Germany 2006)
6) Cinema Paradiso- Josh Groban
I feel like ranting but no time to.
See you all in the next update
See you all in the next update
left at 3:45 AM
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Strictly For Sunthari Only
Strictly For Sunthari Only
You are The Wheel of Fortune
Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success
The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
left at 1:12 AM